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Tuesday, March 13, 2012


By Michele T. Fry, © October 1992


I’ve made it to the other side,

from childhood fears to an adult stride.

There’s a calm that comes of knowing more

and I would never go back . . . . .


For children cry and stomp their feet . . .

and teens demand more freedom . . .

young hearts break at parting time . . .

and housewives hate their cleaning.


Politicians push and pull . . .

parents tear their hair out . . .

businessmen submit proposals . . .

angry workers riot.


And part of me is in the fray,

satisfying hungers.

But there’s another part of me

above it all — observing.


The yin. The yang.  The too and fro.

The “everything’s always changing”.

The cycles going round are but

cosmetic rearranging.


Now wisdom’s oft’ portrayed a lofty

throne with sage reposing.

It’s really up there, off a ways.

I sit there now I’m older.